
Black and White landscapes

Black and white, or mono photography has long been my passion. In this course you will learn how to create stunning images in black and white and how to best showcase your work in print.

Removing colour from an image forces an onlooker to see things in a different manner. It reveals shapes, form and texture previously unseen due to the distractions of colour. Black and white photography has a deep history so come and join me as we delve into that history and create our own images to inspire our audience.

What you will learn:

- How to 'see' in black and white - (it is not just taking a colour image and removing the colour)

- How to set up your camera for the best results.

- How to use long exposure techniques to create timeless images.

- How to post process your images for the best results.

- How to print your work in order to showcase it at it's best.

- How to use a matt cutter to mount your work.

You will take home a mounted print that you can be proud of.

Full day course £149 per person - snacks and drinks provided - Bedford location


Come and join me as we go back to 1842 and learn the process of printing using only the power of the sun (or LED lights on a dull day!)

Cyanotypes (or blueprints) were invented in 1842 by Sir John Hershel the famous astronomer. He invented it to enable him to coy his notes, but others took it and made it into an artform. It became a fashionable and affordable way to make prints that have a very distinctive Prussian blue colour. It is a fun and rewarding process that is quick to learn and forever engaging. Mix photographs and real world objects to create something new and special. Bring your own images and we can make beautiful cyanotypes from them.

What you will learn:

- How to choose an image for cyanotypes.

- How to make a digital negative.

- How to print a negative onto transparency.

- How to mix the chemicals safely.

- How to coat paper ready for printing.

- How to expose a print correctly using test strips.

- How to make a simple UV lightbox (for when the sun does not shine)

- How to tone cyanotypes using tea, coffee and tannin

You will take home several cyanotype prints at the end of the day and be armed with the knowledge of how to do this at home. It's a great experience for kids and adults alike!

Half day course only £99 per person - Chemical, paper, snacks and drinks provided - Bedford location

DSLR Beginners course

Do you always shoot on AUTO?

Do you seldom get the results you want out of your photographs?

Do you take an image and look at the results and think - meh - that's not what I saw?

Then it's time to take control of your camera and not let it control your photography!

Join my beginners DSLR course and over a day of lessons we will unlock the keys to your camera and how you take control of your images once and for all. 
 You will learn: 
 - The exposure triangle - get off AUTO and explore how a camera really works 
- Using Manual mode - how to learn from your mistakes
- How to control Depth of Field for creative image control
- When to use Aperture priority or Shutter priority
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- Why your camera is easily confused with exposure and how to predict and fix this issue
- Image composition, what makes a great image?
And so much more!
We will take lots of photos and we will work towards getting images that you are proud enough of to want to print and put up on the wall!
Join me and let's get you started on a hobby that is engaging, creative and great for your mental health!

Full day course £149 per person - snacks and drinks provided - Bedford location

Call or email to make a booking as dates are flexible and I can accommodate as needed